Lesson 3: A Single Point of Influence
Once you understand the ubiquity of vibration and the role that it plays in the world around you, it follows that your primary responsibility is the maintenance of your own energy field. Consistently maintaining your state of vibration is your single point of influence over every experience that happens to you. It effects not only how you approach your circumstances, but how those circumstances manifest for you.
While your overall vibration is determined by a number of different factors, from triggers in the external world to the constant internal dialogue that ping-pongs back and forth in your mind, you only need to focus on three primary areas in order to maintain influence over that vibration.
Your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, form the seat of your power. These are the three areas you can most easily and most consistently control, using them as a leverage to change your entire vibrational state and to impact the world you experience.
Understanding this point is key to becoming a conscious creator of your experience. Thoughts, beliefs, and emotions are intricately linked. Understanding the interplay among them can go a long way towards helping you control your state of being. Deliberately managing this trifecta is the cornerstone you will want to develop in order to maintain a sense of security and well-being, as well as to propel you to higher states.
As we move throughout the course we’ll be working with each of these areas individually, as well as integrating them holistically to see how they fit together. In this lesson, we’re just going to have a brief introduction to each, in order to understand the core framework we’ll be using as we continue.
The Thought-Belief-Emotional Spectrum
Let’s take a moment to consider each of these three areas in turn.
Of them, thoughts are the most prevalent. Thoughts form the link between your conscious mind and your vibrational state of being. Whereas beleifs and emotions generally develop over the long term and often subconsciously, thoughts are instant, they’re fleeting, and they’re consistently running through your mind, even if you aren’t aware of all of them. Developing an awareness of your thoughts and the habit of deliberately choosing your thoughts is one of your most important tools as you’re learning to gain control over your vibrational state.
Developing this habit is essential, because thoughts play a major role in determining your beliefs. A belief is simply a thought that is repeated over and over again, often over many months or years. By the time a thought coalesces to the point of becoming a belief, it plays a strong, dominant role over your vibration. Understanding the beliefs that you hold and how those thoughts relate to those beliefs is an important tool.
Whereas beliefs can might be considered repeated thoughts, emotions can considered intense thoughts. When a thought goes up against a belief, it triggers an emotion. Emotions can easily perpetuate themselves and take over your vibration. Think about it: when you’re angry, every little thing just makes you more mad, but when you’re in a good mood, you let the little things go and retain your good mood. This is a perfect example of the energy creating its own self-fulfilling prophecy, its own cycle. A thought goes up against a belief, which triggers an emotion; the emotion then causes you to think more thoughts in line with it, which continue to go up against your beliefs, which then trigger more of the same emotion. This can be a vicious cycle when it’s on the negative end of the scale, but an incredible, joyful cycle when it’s on the positive end of the scale. Learning how this system works and how you can influence it is going to be an important tool.
Vibrational Anchors
As you gain a deeper awareness of your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, you may realize that you have a number of vibrational anchors keeping you in place. Most people tend to take their vibrational cues from the world around them. They look at their physical circumstances and they allow that to dictate the overwhelming majority of the energy that they hold. They’re consistently reacting to whatever is going on in their life. When it’s good, they’re in a good mood. When it’s bad, they’re in a bad mood.
This is that standard view of the world that we talked about in the introductory course. Shifting from looking at just the physical world to looking at the energetic world means letting some of that control fade away and not allowing these vibrational anchors to have such a dominate influence over your state of being and your state of energy.
This focus often falls into one of three categories.
The first category is things that are happening right now, current situations that do not live up to your expectations or for whatever reason aren’t what you want. Because you don’t have exactly what you want, you allow that energy to bring you down and you rest in a lower vibrational state because of it.
The second category is from things that happened in the past, whether that was this morning or twenty years ago. It is the reflection upon these events, often in the negative way, that causes your vibration to diminish and to not be fully present in the energy you are holding now. This could be good or bad, and while we can allow good memories to positively influence our vibration, more often than not we allow negative memories to influence our vibrations more strongly, and we do this unconsciously.
The third category focuses on things that might happen in the future and our worries, hesitations, and fears about it. Whenever we’re preoccupied with how things might turn out, we’re taking energy that could otherwise be used to reinforce a positive vibration, and we’re diminishing that energy to retain the current state. The result is an experience of life that barely, if ever, changes. Your experience becomes very static, just like the person listening to the same radio station over and over again.
When we do change, we tend to think that the change has to come from physical, linear action, and that’s not necessarily the case. We don’t realize that changing our circumstances is as easy as turning that knob on the radio station, moving up to a different level of frequency and a different experience of the world.
Exercise: Thought Triggers
In the first exercise of today’s lesson, I want you to reflect on the ways in which thoughts, beliefs, and emotions interact with each and often occur simultaneously.
One example of how this happens for a lot of people has to do with financial stress. I want you to think about a time when you made a purchase and a thought went through your mind about whether or not you should actually be buying that item. Did you have enough money for it? Was it justifiable? Did you really need it? Any of those thoughts can trigger beliefs about your relationship to money and the role money plays in your life: how much of it you have, how easy it is for you to get, how it flows through you, etc.
If this is a sensitive topic for you, those thoughts and beliefs may have triggered an emotion. Maybe by thinking about this one item, you started to stress about money and stress about whether you had enough. Maybe you even became fearful and began to fret about whether you’d make it through the next month.
The point is not the specific way in which the thoughts and beliefs play out for you, but to notice how just having a thought — even a short, passing thought — can trigger a belief, and trigger an emotion.
Another example might be an interactions with other people. I want you to think about a time in which you were working with someone, and for whatever reason you didn’t live up to your own expectations of what you wanted. You didn’t think that your own actions were good enough.
Think about what that thought implies. It implies a belief about needing to be good enough. It also brings up questions about who you need to be good enough for, and why. All of those are fundamental beliefs that you hold that were triggered by your thought.
If the situation is related to a sensitive relationship or an important relationship for you, whether that’s a friend or family member or whomever, maybe it brought up insecurities and fears that led to stronger emotional actions. Maybe you start to fret about whether or not that action has harmed your relationship with that person.
Again, the specific scenario is less relevant than noticing the pattern of how ven a passing thought can bring up very strong beliefs and very strong emotions. I encourage you to work through a few examples of your own in a variety of scenarios, especially in relation to the areas that are stressful for you. That’s where it’s easiest to see how these trends play out, and it’s important to take the time to realize that in order to be able to work with it as we move forward.
Exercise: Uncovering Vibrational Anchors
In the last exercise I asked you to look at specific examples of how thoughts, beliefs, and emotions come together in your day to day life. That’s a really important step, because as you start to pinpoint that interconnection and relationship among them, you can start to see where your patterns of vibration are.
Specifically, you can start to see your anchors. Remember the three categories we discussed:
i) Things that are happening in the present that don’t live up to your expectations;
ii) Things that have happened in the past that you consistently reflect upon, especially when you reflect upon them with a negative emotion of guilt, shame, regret, etc; and
iii) Things that might happen in the future, especially when you reflect on these possibilities with worry, hesitation, or fear.
For this exercise I want you to create a list of 5-10 vibrational anchors that you think may be keeping you down vibrationally, things that consistently lower your energy.
These anchors may be simple, or may be very complex. For example it might be something as simple as noiticing: I often reflect on things my boss mentioned yesterday; I often worry about the fact that I won’t have enough money when I retire; I am often disappointed by the circumstances that happen to me (but list the specific circumstance).
By creating this list, you can start to be able to see what some of your patterns of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions are. We’ll dissect these later, especially when it comes to the core beliefs that keep you down. For now, just reflect on common scenarios of how your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions weigh on you and form vibrational anchors that are keeping you down.
The post Lesson 3 appeared first on The Joy Within.