Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Lesson 15

Lesson 5: Prosperity Is The Feeling of Abundance

Talking about desires and goals in terms of experiencing the energy of them is a strange concept for a lot of people, and it can take some practice before you become comfortable looking at the world in this way.

It helps to understand that prosperity is the feeling of abundance. When you focus on the feeling of abundance, you experience prosperity in any form you can imagine.

As we’ve already talked about, abundance isn’t about achieving health, wealth, or love, or any other specific form, but these states are often the natural result.

Recognize that when you feel abundant, in that moment you are abundant. Prosperity, then, is simply the consistent experience of abundance, the consistent act of focusing onto the things you already have , onto the motion towards your desire, rather than the lack of it. When you consistently experience this idea, this feeling of abundance, prosperity will emerge.

Every Moment’s Focus

When you start to think about prosperity and abundance in this way, you realize that every moment of every day you are either experiencing the feeling of abundance or the feeling of lack in relation to a desire.

In every moment, you either feel abundant or you don’t. you either feel the incredible rush of the motion towards your desire, or the stress and frustration of feeling blocked from it.

It is this balance, this choice, that either propels you forward towards everything you want or keeps you forever trapped in a state of your desire being just out o reach.

If you can focus on abundance and the feeling of prosperity, you can enter into the state of your desire and therefore experience it in this moment.

Exercise: Correlating Feelings and Desires

In order to make this idea a little more tangible, let’s do a short exercise to see how it plays out in your normal life.

The first step is to begin noticing how you feel in relation to the desires that you hold. Noticing that whenever you feel like you’re on-track and making progress towards your goals, you feel good. You feel abundant, prosperous, and know everything is working out for you.

Contrast that state with the correlation of how you feel when you feel stress or anger in relation to a goal. You often feel blocked from it. When you’re stressed, you feel like things aren’t working out and that there’s always going to be another challenge or obstacle in your way.

As you contrast these two states, notice how in most cases your physical circumstances probably haven’t changed very much. You’re probably experiencing more or less the same conditions, but in one example you feel incredible, and in the other example you feel terrible.

Don’t try to force yourself into one state of being or another, just start to notice the correlation between them. Notice the correlation of feeling good and making progress towards a goal versus feeling bad and feeling blocked from a goal. Starting to notice this can help you to feel into the energy of your desire as you move through normal life.


Key Success Habits

For the last video of this module I want to take a moment to back up from the nitty-gritty of what we’ve been talking about and look once again at the big picture.

I want to remind you that the students who make the most progress are those who consistently remember to apply these exercises to their lives. This occurs in two ways:

  1. Develop a consistent meditation practice. I strongly encourage you to take just 10-20 minutes either every morning or every evening to set aside for yourself. You don’t have to go through any fancy ritual, just take some quiet time (you can listen to soft music or use one of the guided recordings from this course) and take that time to relax, attempt to quiet your mind, and focus on your breath.
  2. Take the time consistently, throughout every single day, to step back from your current circumstances. Remember to breathe. Remember to start to notice how energy flows — how emotion flows — as you move throughout your day. Begin to apply all of these short 30-60 second exercises to your daily life. Incorporate them as a habit.

That’s how you’re going to see the most progress and make the most out of this course.


The post Lesson 15 appeared first on The Joy Within.


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